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Welcome to Excelshortcut, the place to get faster with Excel.

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for working with data. At Excel Shortcut, our goal is to help you use it as efficiently as possible.

Navigate this website to learn the Excel shortcuts and top formulas. The blog covers Excel and other topics, like how  to automate boring tasks and how to use software to maximize work performance.

Our goal is to help you work more efficiently with technology and create time for stuff that matters most.

Use the table below to navigate through the best shortcuts for Microsoft Excel.

HotkeyKey CombinationActionDescription
CtrlCtrl+ASelect AllSelect All Cells in a worksheet
CtrlCtrl+BBoldMake Cell Font Bold
CtrlCtrl+CCopyCopy Selection
CtrlCtrl+DFill DownCopy Selection
CtrlCtrl+FFindPulls data from cell above into selected cell
CtrlCtrl+GGotoSummons Goto Dialog Box
CtrlCtrl+HReplaceFind and Replace string with defined string
CtrlCtrl+IItalicItalicize Cell Font
CtrlCtrl+KInsert HyperlinkDefine Link and corresponding Address
CtrlCtrl+NNew WorkbookOpen New Workbook
CtrlCtrl+OOpenSummon Open Menu
CtrlCtrl+PPrintOpen Print Preview Screen
CtrlCtrl+RFill RightPulls cell contents from left cell into selected cell
CtrlCtrl+SSaveSave Document
CtrlCtrl+UUnderlineUnderline Cell Contents
CtrlCtrl+VPastePasted Copied Information Into Cell
CtrlCtrl WCloseClose Current Document
CtrlCtrl+XCutCopy Selection to Clipboard while removing contents of cell
CtrlCtrl+YRepeatRepeat the last action performed
CtrlCtrl+ZUndoUndo previous action
F KeysF1HelpOpen help dialog
F KeysF2EditEnter cell to make changes
F KeysF3Paste NameOpen list of named ranges to paste
F KeysF4Repeat last actionRepeat the last action performed
F KeysF4Absolute to RelativeSwitches between absolute and relative references during formula edit
F KeysF5GotoEnter and move to cell or range of cells
F KeysF6Next PaneIf worksheet is split, move to next pane
F KeysF7Spell checkOpen Spellcheck tool
F KeysF8Extend modePress, then use arrow keys to extend selection
F KeysF9Recalculate AllRecalculates entire workbook if set to manual calculation
F KeysF9Change to ValueDuring cell edit mode, replaces formula with calculated value
F KeysF10Activate MenubarAdds letters to menu bar that can be used as shortcuts
F KeysF11New ChartOpens Design tools and new chart
F KeysF12Save AsSave Document and Choose Name
CtrlCtrl+:Insert Current TimeEnter current timestamp
CtrlCtrl+;Insert Current DateEnter current datestamp
CtrlCtrl+"Copy Value from AbovePulls data from cell above into selected cell
CtrlCtrl+’Copy Formula from AbovePulls formula from cell above into selected cell
F KeysShift+F2Edit cell commentOpen/Add Cell Comment box for editing
F KeysShift+F3Paste function into formulaOpen Insert Function Dialog Box
F KeysShift+F4Find NextMove to Next Similar Value
F KeysShift+F5FindOpen Find/Replace Dialog
F KeysShift+F6Previous PaneMove back to Pane previously occupied if Split is used
F KeysShift+F8Activate add to selection modeAllows selecting multiple selections without CTRL key
F KeysShift+F9Calculate active worksheetPerform all calculations for active worksheet
F KeysShift+F10Display Cell shortcut menuRight Click on a cell
F KeysShift+F11New worksheetOpen New Blank Workshee
F KeysShift+F12SaveQuicksave Document
F KeysCtrl+F3Define nameEdit Name Properties of open worksheets
F KeysCtrl+F4CloseClose Current Workbook
F KeysCtrl+F5XL, Restore window sizeExpand Worksheet size to fill application window
F KeysCtrl+F9Minimize workbookSend Workbook to Task bar
F KeysCtrl+F10Maximize or restore windowExpand Workbook to Maxium Screen size
F KeysCtrl+F11Inset 4.0 Macro sheetOpen New Macro Tab in Worksheet
F KeysCtrl+F12File OpenOpen File Browser
F KeysAlt+F1Insert ChartQuick Paste Chart From highlighted Cells
F KeysAlt+F2Save AsSave Document and Choose Name
F KeysAlt+F4ExitClose current workbook
F KeysAlt+F8Macro dialog boxOpen Macro Dialog Box
F KeysAlt+F11Visual Basic EditorOpen Visual Basic Editor Menus
F KeysCtrl+Shift+F3Create Names DialogAutomatically names ranges based on row and column headings
F KeysCtrl+Shift+F6Previous WindowSwitches to other window in excel
F KeysCtrl+Shift+F12PrintOpen Print Preview
F KeysAlt+Shift+F1New worksheetAdd and Open New Blank Worksheet
F KeysAlt+Shift+F2SaveSave Current Workbook
AltAlt+=AutoSumInsert Sum Function
AltAlt+Down arrowDisplay AutoCompleteShow all options for Autocomplete
AltAlt+’Format Style dialog boxOpen cell Formatting options
CtrlCtrl+Shift+~General formatconvert number to general format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+!Comma formatconvert number to comma format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+@Time formatconvert number to time format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+#Date formatconvert number to date format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+$Currency formatconvert number to currency format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+%Percent formatconvert number to percent format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+^Exponential formatconvert number to exponential format
CtrlCtrl+Shift+&OutlineCreate Outline around cell
CtrlCtrl+Shift+_Remove outline borderRemove outline around cell
CtrlCtrl+Shift+*Select current regionHighlight region current to selected select
CtrlCtrl+Shift++InsertOpen Insert Function Dialog Box
CtrlCtrl+-DeleteOpen Delete Function Dialog Box
CtrlCtrl+1Format cells dialog boxOpen Format Cells Dialog Box
CtrlCtrl+2BoldActivate Bold Font
CtrlCtrl+3ItalicActivate Italic Font
CtrlCtrl+4UnderlineActivate Underline Font
CtrlCtrl+5StrikethroughActivate Strikethrough Font
CtrlCtrl+8Toggle Outline symbolsDisplay outline symbols if activated in workbook
CtrlCtrl+9Hide rowsHide selected row
CtrlCtrl+0Hide columnsHide selected column
CtrlCtrl+Shift+(Unhide rowsunhide hidden rows
CtrlCtrl+Shift+)Unhide columnsunhide hidden columns
AltAlt or F10Activate the menuDisplay shortcut symbols in main menu
ShiftShift+Ctrl+FFont Drop Down ListOpen Format Menu with Font tab selected
ShiftShift+Ctrl+PPoint size Drop Down ListOpen Format Menu with Font tab and size selected

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How Do You Learn Computer Programming Quickly?

How Do You Learn Computer Programming Quickly?

If you don’t have a job as a programmer and want to learn fast, focus on active learning with lots of practice. Here is the path I recommend you take to fast-track the process: 1) Start with targeted, interactive lessons — short sessions of introductory and passive learning. 2) Passion projects — spend the bulk of your emphasis on longer sessions of challenging, passion-driven side projects.
3) Aim for things that you like to do or that will make your daily obligations easier. 4) Bring along a mentor or pay a freelancer to guide you. They will provide feedback and help you throw out lousy coding habits. Supplement with other sources to fill in the gaps. 5) Keep repeating steps 1 through 4 while applying for entry-level programming jobs.
6) Enroll in a short, targeted, software development path.

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