Excel Pros should learn SQL to pull their own data.

Excel Pros should learn SQL to pull their own data.

Let’s discuss why Excel Users should learn SQL to pull their own data. First, we will answer the basic question, What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query language. It is used to manage structured information in database tables. Structured data is formatted...
VLOOKUP Reference and Quick Tips

VLOOKUP Reference and Quick Tips

Vlookup has been a leading feature of Microsoft Excel for a long time. For many users, its the first function they think of when opening a spreadsheet. Excel has several types of Lookups but VLOOKUP is the most commonly used of the bunch. Let this page be your...
Stop Wasting Time Rewriting Formulas

Stop Wasting Time Rewriting Formulas

Stop Wasting Time Rewriting Formulas, Save everything in a Scriptionary When’s the last time you spent over fifteen minutes in Excel fumbling through the formula bar to recreate a formula you already know?  The cycle of anger and blame begins as you think “Why didn’t...