Merging separate Word documents into a single file is a typical office challenge. There are many reasons to merge multiple docs into one, including consolidating reports at work, merging chapters of the book you're writing, or combining meeting notes. There are...

How to Compare Two Sets of Data in Excel with AI
Do you need help reconciling data from two different workbooks in Excel? Today, I will show you how to make quick work of duplicate records. While Excel is my go-to tool for making sense of data, this demo compares two Excel-based data sets using a brand-new tool,...

Learn about SQL joins using Excel
Why do we join tables in SQL? Tables that logically represent information are the foundation of relational databases. The ancient rules of database normalization remind us to arrange database tables to reduce redundancy and increase flexibility. An adequately...
Super Bowl Squares Template
***Updated for Superbowl 59- The Template Download is Directly under the Excel Preview*** This Version is unlocked, so be careful with the formulas. You have to press F9 to Regenerate the squares because calculations are set to manual. This spreadsheet is for...
How to Return Multiple Matches in one Cell Using a lookup?
VLOOKUP is great for looking up a value and returning another corresponding value. But what happens when the first match just isn't enough. I've been tasked with finding a way to put return not just the first but the second, and third match. At first, I tried to...